Gottman Method Couples Therapy
When is the right time to seek couples counseling? If you are reading this, then the answer is almost certainly now. In fact, almost any couple can benefit from counseling, and very often I see couples who would have benefitted from counseling long before they finally resolved to seek help.
You don’t have to fix your relationship on your own.
Relationships are made up of two individuals…and individuals inevitably change and grow. Like two flowering vines next to each other, you as individuals and as a couple may grow together, or you may start to grow apart. If you are finding you and your partner are drifting away from each other, I can help you reconnect and be there for each other again. The truth is, over time most people experience change and growth, and so (thankfully!) can relationships.
Through couples counseling you can:
- Increase intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and develop more romance in your relationship.
- Cooperate more effectively in parenting your children.
- Support each other in managing stress (whether caused by the demands of employment, health concerns, responsibilities of parenting, or anything else).
- Heal and rebuild after an affair.
- Support each other when one of you is suffering emotionally.
- Grieve together when you are both suffering from a loss.
- Manage daily disputes in a more peaceful manner.
- Resolve major differences, even decisions as big as whether to get married or have a child.
- Address underlying or long-held conflicts in your relationship. (These can vary a greatly, from disputes over money or in-laws, to differences over raising a child, to even things that one of you may think are “only minor annoyances.”)
- Have more fun in your relationship.
- Adjust to a major transition in your relationship (such as after you get married, after birth of a child or after kids leave the home, after a move or the start of a new job, a partner’s retirement, or parenting a child with special needs).
- Help blending a stepfamily.
Couples of all ages, genders, experience and duration can benefit from couples therapy. If you’re ready to connect on a deeper, more meaningful level, contact me and we can talk about what your relationship needs so you can grow together.